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The identification requirements listed below are state law. Without the required identification you cannot legally be pierced.



​It is the clients responsibility to provide the state required identification at the time of the appointment. If required ID's are not provided at the appointment it will have to be cancelled and the deposit will be forfeited.

Legal documents must be valid and original. No copies allowed!

White slip ID must accompany voided ID or birth certificate.


1. Adults must provide their valid picture identification

MINORS 9 - 17

Custodial parent or guardian must be in the room during the piercing.

1. Parent must provide their valid picture identification.

Tribal ID

State ID

Drivers License


Military ID

2. Minors must provide their valid picture identification.

Tribal ID

State ID

Drivers Permit

Drivers License


Military ID

 Birth certificate AND School picture ID (Physical or Online)

3. Matching last names - If last of the parent and minor child do not match the state requires a birth certificate. If last names don't match on the birth certificate an original marriage certificate or divorce decree showing the parents name changes is required in addition to the picture ID's.


4. Earlobe piercing exception - Minor child's birth certificate along with parents ID.


5. Guardians of minors -  Certified guardianship papers are required.

Call 651-779-2971 with any questions!



Book Appointment

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